Originally built for SAMI and appeared in the August 2006 issue.

This is the third variation on a theme from Special Hobby's range of 1/72 RE.2000 models. In addition to the same mix of well prepared injection, resin & etch parts found in the previous kits, there is an extra resin piece for the Serie III type solid cockpit fairing and an injection moulded canopy. The decal sheet provides markings for three schemes, two with a typical mottled camouflage & black cowling, plus the one chosen for this review, which is for a 337ยช Squadriglia Automono aircraft based at Boccadifalco, Sicily in Dec 1941.

As noted in previous reviews, perhaps the best thing about this model is the very high level of detail found in the cockpit, which is a combination of resin and etch parts. Its a shame that most of it will be hard to see. If there is anything to criticise it would be the seat, which seems too small as the etch seat belts do not fit. The resin cockpit fairing fits very neatly onto the fuselage, with no filler required.

To improve its appearance, it's worth spending a bit of time thinning down the trailing edge of each wing part before fixing them to the fuselage. As before, I glued the top wing parts to the fuselage first, the one piece lower was glued in place afterwards. The injection moulded canopy is perhaps a little on the thick side, but as the vac formed canopies of the earlier type are also included, the relevant part can be cut out and used in its place.

After a coat of primer, all the white areas were sprayed, including the rudder cross. They were masked with Tamiya tape before applying the rest of the scheme. I used WEM paints, with Grigio Azzurro Chiaro used for the lower surfaces and Verde Oliva Scuro 2 for the uppers.

This is a logical addition to Special Hobby's superb collection of 1/72 Re.2000 models. I would not be at all surprised if the 'catapultabile' version was the next one to come along.

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