Originally built for SAMI and appeared in the January 2006 issue. The text file has been lost.
The biggest challenge posed by Broplans moulding process is the thin gauge of plastic sheet they use for vacuforming. The outer edges of the hull were so thin they had to be reinforced with extra sheet stock using superglue. There were lots of small dings in the surface of the parts to deal with too, especially in light of the aluminium finish which will hilite the smallest imperfection. The injection moulded parts needed a lot of flash and seam removal and there were no decals to work with. This means making your own as there are no aftermarket decals. Since this kit was built new photos have come to light that suggest the lettering should be pale blue matched to the blue cheat line along the wing leading edge.
The kit looks every inch a C.94 so the hard work does pay off in the end. It would be nice to have a beaching trolley to mount it on though!